YES! Parks innovative nature program awarded nearly $300K

A $297,320 grant will fund Sonoma County Regional Parks’ YES! (Youth Exploring Sonoma) Parks program through January 2026.

The competitive grant is part of the California Natural Resource Agency’s Youth Community Access program, called the Outdoors for All Initiative. It supports programs that offer youth access to natural or cultural resources. It’s funded by Prop 64, the marijuana tax that passed in 2016.

Outdoors for All, in part, establishes spaces for people and nature to thrive in a welcoming and inclusive culture; builds equitable career paths for outdoor recreation, natural resources and restoration professions; and aligns funding partnerships among federal, state and non-governmental entities.

The program, started in 2017 as YES! Coast, has expanded to include the Russian River and area mountains, YES! River and YES! Mountain, respectively. The three segments include several field trips that introduce youth to hiking, cycling, paddling and camping.

The grant will support four sessions of YES! Mountain and YES! River, which will reach 120 local teens. It will also allow the team to recruit two youth leaders per session, alumni from past YES! programs, to help develop plans for field days and the campout, help manage supplies and lead activities during field trips.

For more check out the Sonoma Regional Parks website


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