Our Work. 

The partners of the Russian River Confluence (Confluence) are dedicated to protecting and restoring the supply, health, and climate resilience of the Russian River Watershed. The Confluence catalyzes needed progress by:

  • Advancing collaboration among government agencies, educational organizations, research institutions, and non-profits to establish shared priorities and work together for greater impact on watershed restoration.  

  • Engaging stakeholders and the public in education and research projects that inform and inspire collective action. Creating a hub for collaboration and information as a foundation for this engagement.

  • Cultivating a sense of shared pride and stewardship among the residential, business, and visitor community through strategic branding, membership programs, and community events.

  • Advocating for shared priorities in policy, funding, and legislative measures that influence the well-being of the river and its watershed uplands, ensuring healthy water flows, resilience against wildfires and droughts, protection of native and endangered species ecosystems, and supply for beneficial public uses.

Respect Russian River

Respect Russian River: a watershed wide brand to engage residents, tourists, and businesses in pride and stewardship of this river we love. Represent the river with branded merchandise of which a share of the profits goes back to the RR Confluence to benefit the Russian River. 

River Health

Russian River Confluence Partners monitor river health, lead river cleanups, remove invasive species, and track regulatory changes. Below are a sample of these projects.

Adopt A Road

Get Involved with an Adopt-A-Road Clean-Up Program. Preventing trash from entering waterways helps support water quality and protects fish & wildlife from ingesting plastic and other trash.


The Russian River Regional Monitoring Program (R3MP) provides scientific information necessary for successful long-term management of Russian River watershed’s health.

Invasive Species Removal

The removal of Arundo Donax, (an invasive giant reed) growing along the Russian River, is one of three top priorities because it turns our river from a natural fire break to a bridge for fires to intensify and spread.

TMDL Regulatory Changes

Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) are action plans to restore and maintain clean surface waters and requires that states identify water bodies that do not meet water quality standards, and the pollutants that impair them.

Water Supply

Water supply is a critical part of helping our communities adapt to drought conditions.

Potter Valley Project

The Potter Valley Project is addressing the impacts of the pending dam removal and subsequent loss of water from the Eel River into the Russian.

Watersharing Program

The Watersharing program is a collaboration among partners to share water rights in order to allow more shared water and less damaging impacts to water right holders during drought.

Mendocino Water Audits

Mendocino Water audits are provided for free to homeowners assesing waste and water use with solutions to improve water use thereby increasing conservation.

Climate Resilience

These projects are large scale restoration and recovery that build climate resilience by reclaiming flood plains, restoring habitat, and protecting endangered species.

Laguna de Santa Rosa Master Restoration Plan

Together with partners the goal of the Laguna de Santa Rosa Master Restoration Plan project is to develop a plan that supports ecosystem services in the Laguna.

Hanson Restoration Project

The Hanson project will transform four old abandoned gravel pits into productive river floodplain and will serve as a model for restoration projects along the Russian River.

Mendocino Salmon Recovery Project

The Pinoleville Pomo Nation’s project will focus on reconnecting Ackerman Creek, a tributary of California’s Russian River that runs between the river and North State Street, to its floodplain.

The above is a sample of the many exciting and impactful projects being completed by RR Confluence partners.

For more information on each, follow Confluence partner websites.